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The Power of Collaboration: Engaging Stakeholders for Impactful Decision-Making

October 28

TIME: 11:00AM – 11:30AM
SPEAKER: Susan Graye, Global Director, Talent Acquisition, Vontier
In today’s dynamic business environment, making decisions in isolation can lead to missed talent opportunities and suboptimal outcomes. Leveraging the collective insights of stakeholders through collaborative tools and practices can drive more effective and innovative solutions. This session will explore the power of collaboration in talent management, emphasizing the use of Miro boards, Kaizens, and other tools to enhance decision-making processes.
By embracing collaborative decision-making, organizations can unlock the full potential of their teams and achieve greater impact through more informed and inclusive solutions.
  • Collaborative decision-making to enhance creativity and innovation by incorporating diverse perspectives
  • Building stronger, more cohesive teams through inclusive practices
  • Utilizing Miro Boards for stakeholder engagement
  • Implementing Kaizens for Continuous Improvement: understanding the Kaizen methodology and its applications in talent management.
  • Overview of other collaborative tools and how they can be leveraged


October 28