
Privacy Policy for Market Research Surveys


SharedXpertise Media, Publishers of HRO Today and HRO Today Global, Organizers of HRO Today Forum Events and Managers of the HRO Today Services & Technology, C-Ten and Talent Associations, is committed to maintaining the privacy and security of personal information. This privacy policy statement contains information about our policy regarding the collection and use of data through market research surveys.

Research Survey Information

Personal information provided to SharedXpertise Media is confidential. This data is combined with information gathered from other survey participants and is reported in aggregate. At times survey responses may be tied to other customer information that is provided by the client sponsoring the survey, and used for segmentation or analytical model building.

SharedXpertise Media Survey Web Site

Respondent information is safeguarded on secured systems and is used only for the purpose stated. In order to respond to an inquiry, an email address or other contact information may be requested when we are contacted through Research@SharedXpertise.com. This information is shared with SharedXpertise Media employees on a need-to-know basis only.

The HRO Today website may contain hyperlinks to websites outside of SharedXpertise Media. Data collection privacy policies may be different on hyperlinked sites not owned by SharedXpertise Media.

Consent to the terms contained within SharedXpertise Media’s privacy policy is given by a participant upon participating in a SharedXpertise Media’s surveys.

Email Addresses and Communication

SharedXpertise Media may have corporate email addresses in its email system or data files that are acquired through clients who have provided email addresses for research purposes.

SharedXpertise Media uses email as a means of communicating to known clients and customers. The following processes are used to ensure SPAM is not sent along with emailed survey invitations:

  • Company or client is clearly identified
  • Company contact information is provided
  • Removal option of future email research invitations

Disclosure of Personal Information by SharedXpertise Media

Under certain circumstances, SharedXpertise Media may be required or permitted by law or court orders to collect, use, and/or disclose personal information. Under these circumstances, notice of disclosure may not be required.

In the event of a sale, merger, liquidation, dissolution, reorganization or acquisition of SharedXpertise Media, the acquiring party would agree to be bound by the terms of the SharedXpertise Media’s privacy policy before any information would be transferred.

Respondent information may be published when the survey instrument states the information will be disclosed or when a participant makes a request that can only be fulfilled by reporting information from the survey.

Access to SharedXpertise Media Data

Only authorized SharedXpertise Media employees, vendors, contractors or partners carrying out authorized business functions are permitted to access SharedXpertise Media databases.

Vendors, contractors, or partners who have access to survey information in connection with providing services for SharedXpertise Media are required, at a minimum, to sign a confidentiality agreement. The use of this information for any purpose other than to carry out the services performed for SharedXpertise Media is not permitted.

SharedXpertise Media employees are required to sign a confidentiality agreement in which they agree to keep all project and respondent personal information confidential. Employees who violate this agreement are subject to disciplinary actions, including termination when appropriate.

Respondent Information Security

SharedXpertise Media is committed to keeping personal data secure and will take all reasonable precautions to protect personal information from loss, misuse or alteration. Data stored on internal network servers are protected by firewalls and other appropriate security mechanisms.

No method of transmission over the internet, nor method of electronic storage, is 100% secure. While we strive to use commercially acceptable means to protect personal information, we cannot guarantee its absolute security.

Changes in This Privacy Statement

SharedXpertise Media reserves the right to modify and update this policy and its related business practices at any time. Please view this privacy policy on a regular basis.

Contact Us

If you have any questions concerning our privacy policy, please contact us at: Research@SharedXpertise.com

SharedXpertise Media Media
123 S. Broad Street-Suite 2570
Philadelphia, PA 19109

Here is a link to a PDF version of this statement: click here.

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