Candidate ExperienceEmployee ExperienceEmployment BrandingTalent Acquisition

Conquering the Candidate-Driven Market

Organizations that have an outstanding candidate experience and employee value proposition will be the first to acquire top talent.

By Zee Johnson

It’s no secret: The job market is very different these days and the ways organizations attract talent are different, too. Tumultuous times call for innovative measures, and the tactics that are curated today should be effective enough to sustain hiring efforts for years to come—or until the next global upheaval.

Seventy-six percent of hiring managers say attracting the right job candidates is their greatest challenge, so companies are redefining their candidate and employee experience, and their employee value proposition (EVP), with the goal of making them as authentic as possible. But giving candidates what they want starts with sincerity and persistence.

“The workspace remains very much a candidate-driven market during these uncertain times, and candidates expect transparency and consistent communications,” says Germayne Cade, Vice President Client Solutions for North America for Korn Ferry. Clarity about what an organization can provide shouldn’t stop after the offer letter. “Think about things like career path and what’s in it for candidates. Think about the whole recruitment process and what the next steps are.”

And in thinking about the process in its entirety, leaders can utilize five steps to help curate an exceptional experience.

  • Plan. Consider what makes your company different from competitors, like your employee profile, work model, culture, etc.
  • Design. Build the essential elements of the experience you want to give, like governance, listening cadence, reporting, communications, etc.
  • Listen. Use surveys, interviews, and other data to gather feedback about the process.
  • Understand. Using the information gathered during the listening phase, identify any experience gaps and their causes.
  • Act. Create a strategy that will address these gaps and continue planning, designing, listening and understanding to be more efficient in the future.

Additionally, when job seekers are active in the market, it’s often for many different reasons—a better role, more compensation, work-life balance, an inclusive company culture. It is up to TA leaders to be honest about the EVP they are “selling,” ensuring that it aligns with want the candidate truly wants to “buy.” “What is a candidate’s ‘why’ for joining your organization? That’s the criteria that is important to them,” Cade says.

While many believe the ball is in the candidate’s court, Cade urges companies to continue crafting a solid gameplan, regardless of where the ball may lie. “Now more than ever is the time to develop and bolster an effective workforce game plan. It will fortify your talent base when the market does solidify again.”

Tags: Employee Value Proposition, Employee/Candidate Experience, Employer brand, Talent Acquisition

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