Research & Best Practices

Global Labor Market Report 1Q 2022

The future of the global economy will depend on how countries and their respective governments respond to the rise in inflation, its effects on economic growth, and efforts to curb…

Flash Report | TA in Need of Help

Companies have identified that their current TA infrastructure will not be robust enough to meet long-term objectives. If 2020 and 2021 revealed anything, it’s that organizations operate in a fast-paced…

Worker Confidence Index: First Quarter 2022

After almost two years of economic instability and damages caused by COVID-19, economic indicators have begun improving. Industries across the board began recovering and rehiring, bringing worker confidence up. Even…

HR’S 2022 Response Defines Employer Branding

Recruitment teams in APAC continue to face the same challenges they have for nearly two years. Accelerated by COVID-19 and the movement for racial justice, workplace changes that were expected…

Global Labor Market Report – 4Q 2021

While the global economy works to reach pre-pandemic levels, the combination of a struggling supply chain and increased demand for workers has created the perfect storm for current job seekers.…

HRO Today Research Roundup

Our recent research studies uncover how the pandemic and other current events are shaping workforce trends. By Larry Basinait Click to view the entire pdf