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Four-Day Work Week: Next Big Thing?

Research from ADP finds that nearly a third of Singapore employees believe that shorter work weeks will be normal within the next five years.

By Maggie Mancini

In Singapore, nearly a third of workers (32%) believe a four-day work week will be a norm in the next five years, according to the People at Work survey conducted by payroll and HR solution provider ADP 

When asked about common workplace practices with five years, Singaporean workers express a preference for flexible working arrangements (FWA). Apart from the four-day work week, the other two top trends are a hybrid working model (34%) and full flexibility over hours based on productivity and results metrics (32%).  

The four-day work week is not just wishful thinking—21% of Singapore workers say their employers already offer this to promote positive mental health at work. This is the highest percentage in the APAC region among countries like Australia (11%), China (14%), and India (20%). Meanwhile, nearly seven in 10 (67%) Singapore workers say they have some or complete flexibility over their working arrangements. 

“The four-day work week is gaining popularity for its potential benefits like improved work-life balance, increased productivity and reduced burnout,” says Yvonne Teo, vice president of HR at ADP. “Flexibility is not a perk but a foundational expectation. Our research shows Singapore employees value flexibility as the third most important factor to them in a job, after salary and job security. Employers today must offer FWA to attract and retain talent.” 

While workers do currently have flexibility over their working arrangements, they still feel more could be provided. Less than half of Singapore workers are satisfied with their flexibility of hours (46%) or location (47%)—the lowest in the APAC region. 

“More can be done in creating flexible work arrangements. By understanding the specific concerns and preferences of their employees through open dialogue, employers can then provide tailored solutions to accommodate their diverse needs and preferences,” Teo adds. “Striking a balance that considers both the company’s needs and the well-being of its workforce is crucial to fostering a more positive and inclusive work environment.” 

The People at Work annual study of workers across 17 countries explores employees’ attitudes towards the current world of work and what they expect and hope for from the workplace of the future. 

Tags: APAC May 2024, APAC News

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