Global Labor ReportResearch & Best Practices

Global Labor Market Report – 2Q 2021

The coronavirus pandemic continued to dominate worldwide in the second quarter of 2021, even as the broader global economy saw promising improvements overall.

With about one-half (24 of 49 analyzed) of countries reporting decreases in their national unemployment rates, optimism still seems to be increasing – albeit cautiously. However, national unemployment rates continued to vary between countries.

So what is prompting these disparities?

View our 2Q 2021 Global Labor Market Report below for insight on:

  • How vaccine rollout and the coronavirus pandemic are still affecting economies
  • What new supply and demand needs mean for economic recovery
  • Where global consumer confidence and spending currently stand
  • What to expect of the global labor market in the second half of 2021

Click here to download the report.

Tags: HRO Today Research

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