
Livestream: Navigating Legalized Marijuana

Livestream Date & Time: 5/20/2020 12:00PM EST

One of the most confusing social and HR issues of our time, the medical and recreational use of marijuana, has companies struggling to adopt policies that abide by federal, state, and municipal laws that are often contradictory.

Brandon Phillips, CEO of Global HR Research, one of the leading providers of pre-employment screening and workplace services, breaks down what we know, what we don’t know and what is coming next in an invaluable presentation that you do not want to miss on how to manage workforce issues and hiring policy in an attempt to help you answer the “cannabis question”.

What you’ll Learn:
1) An overview of primary issues: Drug Free Policies/Compliance Mandated Vs State Vs Federal Legislation
2) Industry Analyses: Healthcare and Transportation
3) Post-COVID-19
4) Legal, Regulatory, and Legislative Developments – current and pending

View the Livestream Recording Now

Listen as Brandon Phillips, President & CEO of Global HR Research, Dirk Olin, Former Editor & Publisher of Corporate Responsibility Magazine, Jenifer Mora, Senior Counsel at Seyfarth Shaw discussed the growing concerns in the workforce as this moves to become legalized across the country. This livestream was moderated Elliot Clark, Chairman & CEO of SharedXpertise Media, LLC/HRO Today.

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