White Papers

Building Your ‘Unfair’ Advantage in Recruiting (Part 1): Create and Promote Your Employer Brand

Everyone wants talent that best fits their organization. “Best fits” might mean above-average performers, or they might be steady performers. They might be people who can break new ground, or people who can quietly execute existing plans. They might possess powerful technical skills, or classic “soft” skills. “Best fits” come in many different varieties.

What doesn’t vary is the continued sharp competition for best-fit talent. Not only the brightest who have the skillsets and ideas and not only the most determined who drive change, but the ones who can be fully engaged with like-minded people to bring your organization to the next level. Even during the Great Recession, when fewer people were looking for work, companies struggled to find the people with the right skills. Now the unfortunate thing with these best-fit individuals is they get to choose where they want to work.

And, as many companies struggle with identifying and engaging these top individuals, experience tells us that they are usually already employed, may be merely keeping an eye out, (passive candidates), may be on the market only for a short time (sometimes days), or are deciding among several organizations (due to multiple offers).

Hold on…now is not the time to take your ball and go home. In the midst of this great challenge lies an even greater opportunity to leverage eight components that, taken together, may be powerful enough to be the tilt in the playing field in ways that may seem “unfair” to your competitors. See, the day is getting better already.

The first four components of this two-part white paper series will help you explore the employer brand. The second four will show you how to leverage the right technology to get the best possible impact for your organization and to reinforce your value as a top employer.

To learn more, download the full report by clicking here.

Tags: RPO, Talent Acquisition, White Paper

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