Talent Retention

Boomerang Employees Could Aid Talent Shortages

Research from Robert Walters finds that three-quarters of workers in Singapore are open to returning to their previous employer.

By Maggie Mancini

As talent shortages continue to plague many workplaces around the world, a recent report from Robert Walters reveals that companies could leverage the interest of former employees to ease the burden on their business.  

The study finds that 75% of employees in Singapore are open to returning to their previous employer. Nearly half of “boomerang employees” would consider coming back if their previous employer offered better renumeration (25%) or if there were changes to the leadership or team structure (23%).  

In the past two years, 27% of employees in Singapore have reached out to a previous employer regarding job opportunities, and another 20% say they plan to do so. More than three-quarters (78%) of employees say they remain in contact with a previous manager, with 25% of them saying they stay in touch because of potential job opportunities.  

The report also finds that this interest is met favorably by companies, with more than 90% of employers saying they are willing to consider rehiring boomerang employees. Approximately 76% of respondents say they will consider letting ex-employees return. Another 20% say they will proceed with hesitation, while 3% say they will not hire ex-employees.  

Toby Fowlsto, CEO of Robert Walters, says that in light of the research, companies looking to hire can re-consider engaging with alumni and train managers on holding a positive exit process to help improve the skills shortage.

Tags: APAC News, APAC November 2023

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