Employee EngagementEnabling TechnologyInnovationTalent Retention

Everything’s Peachy in Employee Engagement

The 2018 iTalent Competition winner empowers organisations to act on worker feedback in real-time to make a real difference.

By Taylor Thompson

In the past few decades alone, human resources has evolved from an administrative function to a growing industry arguably centered around the most important department in an organisation. The workforce has transformed to accommodate advancements in technology and the work-life balance expectations of the up-and-coming generation of workers. Out of this change comes the race to not only retain top talent, but to maintain an organisation’s current workforce. What better way to keep top performers than going to them directly to find out what works and what doesn’t? Whilst asking employers for feedback on current business practices sounds like a straightforward task, James Anderson, co-founder of Peachy Mondays, began to see otherwise.

“From years of talking to other companies and business leaders, we’ve come to the realisation that in order to drive your business forward, you need to understand and empower people to take affective action,” says Anderson.

But this can be hard to achieve when Gallup reports that the bulk of employees worldwide -63 per cent -are “non-engaged” at work and unlikely to invest time and effort into initiatives for the betterment of the organisation.

Several factors are to blame for this lack of response in employee engagement surveys, including length, a feeling of discomfort when providing honest opinions, and disbelief that their feedback will spark a sense of change in the office. In fact, OfficeVibe has reported that four out of five employees believe that their manager would not act on any negative information that comes out of employee engagement surveys.

This led Peachy Mondays to the realisation that most modern pulse and continuous feedback tools tend to be too rigid in terms of what questions are asked and only skim the surface of problems rather than diving deep enough to get a real understanding of how employees feel.

But from all of those realisations came the biggest one of all -the way anonymous answering is used in employee engagement surveys. Anonymity is not new to this type of feedback, but Anderson and his team have discovered that the first round of submissions in these types of questionnaires typically result in dead-end answers.

Traditionally, after a critical comment is made, leadership must decide what their next step is to address their unhappy employee’s concern, a process that often takes an enormous amount of time and effort to elaborate upon. And while their managers may be in the midst of researching a solution, the concerned employee, who may have contemplated not submitting honest feedback in the first place, feels as if nothing is being done. Managers typically feel stuck in these situations as well.

“Usually after these results are compiled, leadership may conduct focus groups for answers and if you do go down that route, it’s hard to tell if you’ve even got the right people in the room,” Anderson explains. “Even if you do, very often it’s just the loudest voices that get heard and it takes an unnecessary amount of time so we wanted to find a faster, more democratic and efficient way to gather feedback.”

With this need in mind, Peachy Mondays set out to develop a more advanced employee feedback platform under the notion of five important organisational pillars:

  • a single platform for all employee feedback;
  • easy to use;
  • real-time root cause analysis;
  • access to actionable insights; and
  • professional services and support.

But how could the company bring these ideas to life to ensure that its solution would bring a more positive and impactful experience than others in the industry? By implementing a system that offers the ability for managers to ask follow-up questions to the specific employees with concerns or criticism. Now with Peachy Mondays, managers have the option to find out more details when it comes to the anonymous responses they receive from their employees. The best part? Comments are received in real-time, which means changes can be made in real-time as well.

For managers, feedback from their team is received in just one to two days, allowing time for filtering of unfair or biased responses, whilst employees can gain access to their own cultural index at any given time.

And the timeliness of this solution was not the only reason Peachy Mondays was crowned the 2018 iTalent Competition winner at the HRO Today Forum EMEA in Amsterdam; the system’s ease of use was another big factor. Whether it’s accessed via desktop or mobile device, the simplicity of the platform eliminates all the exhaustion and frustration workers may find in completing long employee engagement surveys, even as complex analytics and assessments are going on in the background.

Peachy Mondays is different in that its system provides more emphasis on a methodology point of view rather than just measures.

“Again, it’s about depth of understanding, not just a skim-across-the-surface very quickly action,” says Anderson. “Everyone talks about actionable insight; however, I believe our drivers aren’t just a happy face but are something you can actually do something about.”

With Peachy Mondays, customers are provided with that deeper understanding faster, but are also enabled to become more agile in driving change effectively and efficiently.

“One of our customers actually received a result from a questionnaire that was completely unexpected and surprising. With our platform, however, they received results in just a matter of days and discovered the problem was a very solvable and educational problem that just came down to a bit of training,” Anderson explains. “This problem may have carried on unanswered and unchanged for several months without our system.”

Clients of this employee engagement survey platform also have the option to implement the platform into every sector of their business, a benefit for global organisations. With its reach in 60 different countries with 12 different languages, Peachy Mondays provides capabilities to anonymously answer manager questions and ask follow-up questions to employees between individuals that speak two entirely different languages; a feature very important amongst European-based organisations.

“We have Europe down,” Anderson says. “So next I’d suppose we’re set to let more of the world know of the value we can deliver them. We’d especially like to expand to companies headquartered in North America, which from a time-zone perspective has previously been a challenge for our Scottish-based employees.”

But in addition to their expansion goals, Peachy Mondays looks forward to packaging some of its current live projects, which include a real-time culture index it has implemented with a global bank and change pulses that have proved beneficial when it comes to airline mergers.

“Together this is really helping facilitate change by highlighting where problems arise to immediately bring that up to standard with the rest of the organisation,” says Anderson. “We’re really excited about our future in employee engagement.”

Tags: EMEA, Employee Engagement, Global-Winter-2019, HR Technology, HRO Today Forum, Magazine Article

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