MSP / Contingent LaborTalent Acquisition

Hiring in a Digital World

In a challenging job market, a tech-driven managed direct sourcing approach can deliver a pipeline of full-time talent.

By Marta Chmielowicz

The pandemic has left a lasting mark on the job market, putting unprecedented pressure on talent acquisition teams. Even as companies head toward recovery, many are struggling to find and hire the people they need. In fact, Indeed’s 2021 Hiring Trends Report says that 79% of employers say it has been difficult to hire in recent months, and 76% say this difficulty has negatively impacted business overall.

“We are in a candidate-driven marketplace,” says Mike Wachholz, CEO of Geometric Results Inc. (GRI). “The big challenge is identifying and engaging with candidates in a meaningful way. Candidates are expecting more, and the importance of speed is as acute as ever. Companies need to be in the best position to identify and connect with candidates quickly and in the right way.”

Adopting a managed direct sourcing solution can help organizations stay competitive in this challenging and ever-changing business climate. This approach utilizes artificial-intelligence (AI) and machine learning technology to tap into job boards, social media, and local communities and builds talent ecosystems full of qualified, engaged candidates. The technology handles initial outreach and screening, developing an engagement score for each candidate that influences their priority level for recruiters. This saves recruiters time, shortens time to hire, and ensures a high-touch, positive experience for the candidate.

According to Jen Torres, Vice President of MSP Growth at GRI, a technology-driven hiring process is critical to business success. “A few different factors have contributed to the need for a digital or AI-driven recruitment approach,” she explains. “One is we live in the digital age, so a lot of people are used to solutions where you can click things and they come to your doorstep. As consumers, this convenience factor has started to influence what people want from an HR provider.”

By embracing direct sourcing technology, companies can broaden their pool of available talent while taking their candidate experience to new heights.

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