APAC March April 2019

From Quantity to Quality

Market pressures are shifting how China-based organisations recruit.

By Michael Switow

Despite a cloud of uncertainty hanging over Sino-U.S. relations resulting from more than a year of escalating tariffs, trade tensions, and technology spats, recruiters in China are bullish about the year ahead. Even signs of a slowing economy are not dampening sentiment, though many companies are clearly becoming more conservative.

Looking Fore Talent?

At Mission Hills China, the path to success may not lie straight ahead.

By Michael Switow

At Mission Hills China, a multi-billion dollar company that is home to the world’s two largest golf resorts as well as a range of other businesses, one top executive started his career in property sales. Later he moved to the PR and marketing department, and now he heads a major tourist attraction and film studio called Movie Town, which welcomes more than two million visitors a year.

Millennials and Mobility: Asia’s Best Cities

HR can earn an advantage when understanding the living preferences of the younger generation. By Michael Switow For organisations looking to hire millennial talent, which Asian cities are the best…

2019 Baker’s Dozen Customer Satisfaction Ratings: Relocation

View the top-rated relocation providers in the industry.

By The Editors

HRO Today’s Baker’s Dozen Customer Satisfaction Ratings are based solely on feedback from buyers of the rated services; the ratings are not based on the opinion of the HRO Today staff. We collect feedback annually through an online survey which we distribute to buyers directly through our own mailing lists and indirectly through service providers. Once collected, response data for all providers with a statistically significant sample size are loaded into the HRO Today database for analysis.

HRO Today Baker's Dozen

Editor’s Note: New Beginnings

By Debbie Bolla

Welcome to the inaugural issue of HRO Today APAC! Our goal is to provide you the latest trends in human capital management for the APAC region. And how are we going to do this?

HRO Today