EMEA May June 2024

A Road Map for Culture Change

Five HR executives offer their strategies for creating a shared vision and mission that encourages employees to do their best work.  By Simon Kent  “Often culture has been described like…

Charting Uncertain Paths

Amid global conflicts and difficult economic times, HR must become a source of support and stability for the entire organisation.  By Simon Kent The world is an uncertain place. Pandemics,…

Leadership 2.0

By focussing on coaching and nurturing soft skills among prospective leaders, HR can set their organisations up for future success. By Simon Kent Being a leader today is a complicated…

Editor’s Note: Coaching HR Teams

HR has never worked in a vacuum. The organisations they serve have always been part of a wider industry sector and part of the wider world. HR has had to…

HRO Today Association Spring Update

As we continue to navigate the ever-evolving landscape of HR and talent acquisition, I am pleased to share some noteworthy updates and opportunities from the HRO Today Association. Member News…