January February 2021

Better Together

Embracing a culture of transparency empowers both employees and organizations alike. Here, five CHROs share their best practices.

By Marta Chmielowicz

Trust is the foundation of any healthy relationship, offering a bedrock of security and loyalty that weathers thick and thin. This extends to employer-employee relationships, but to get it right, organizations need to embrace truth, transparency, and vulnerability. Only then can connections between employees and managers strengthen, empowering people and businesses to work better together.

Recognition Roundtable

Four CEOs share their vision for the future of employee rewards and recognition.

By Elliot Clark

The value of recognition is already being seen in the HR community, with executive leadership teams of many global companies increasing spend on rewards and recognition even as their budgets are reduced. What is the future of this important part of the employee experience? I asked four CEOs what changes they predict and what they envision for the future of their industry.

Stacking Up

Building an integrated total workforce solutions tech stack delivers a solid foundation for a modern hiring process.

By Marta Chmielowicz

As the unpredictability of COVID-19 continues to test organizations’ ability to adapt to change, many employers are turning to contingent labor to fill their talent needs. But while a more varied workforce mix offers greater flexibility and agility, the influx of contingent workers has exposed blind spots in companies’ talent acquisition strategies.

Extreme Challenges, Extreme Opportunities

Four shifts that have the potential to become norms in 2021.

By Sabrina Williams

2020 was an extremely challenging year for the HR industry. From rapidly adjusting and supporting employees through the transition to remote work to responding to country-wide calls for diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI) in the workplace as police brutality and the resulting protests took center stage over the summer, HR departments have had to step up and completely re-envision the futures of their organizations.

Obstacles Ahead

Maintaining compliance gets complicated, but understanding these seven regulatory issues will make a big difference for HR.

By Mike Trabold

2021 is poised to be another year of fast-paced regulatory change, with another round of COVID-19 relief and the priorities of a new presidential administration coming into focus. Several items on the docket will impact HR processes, policies, and operations in businesses both big and small across the country.

HRO Today Research Roundup

Get insight from our top research studies.

By Larry Basinait

From CHRO compensation to candidate experience and healthcare hiring, HRO Today’s 2021 research study findings offer valuable insights to succeed in the new world of work.

CEO’s Letter: “Cruise Control” and Leadership

By Elliot H. Clark

Happy New Year to all our readers! As we welcome 2021, I will spare you the retrospective on 2020. Suffice to say it was a miserable year. We thank our readers for your engagement with our content, and we hope we were able to provide you with information that helped you deal with the numerous crises that challenged human resources.

HRO Today

Editor’s Note: New Year, New Priorities

By Debbie Bolla

It’s a new year and with that typically come new priorities, both personal and professional. For me, personally, I am looking to try one new recipe a week and cut back takeout to twice a month. Professionally, I’m striving for new ways to embrace digital media and share our content. But what about HR?

HRO Today