March 2020

Delving Into Data

Three organizations share how they use people data and analytics to amplify business strategy.

By Marta Chmielowicz

“People analytics” has been a hot catchphrase in the business world for years, with data promising to revolutionize recruiting, talent management, and myriad other HR processes. But while organizations have embraced data collection and reporting, data analysis remains in its infancy for all but the most sophisticated companies.

2020 Baker’s Dozen Customer Satisfaction Ratings: Relocation

View the top-rated relocation program providers in the industry.

By The Editors

Globalization is raising the bar on mobility. As technology strengthens economic and intellectual connections across the world, leading multinational companies are looking to develop a new generation of leaders with a global mindset and multicultural experience. That starts with an effective relocation program.

Are You Talking to Me?

An individualized approach to health and well-being benefits can drive engagement in a multigenerational workforce.

By Marta Chmielowicz

Facing rising costs of living and significant transformation in the world of work, today’s employees are more stressed than ever. In fact, 35 percent of all employees and 50 percent of millennials have seriously considered switching jobs due to stress. And employees increasingly expect their employers to address the stress issue, with 60 percent of survey respondents reporting that they feel it is important for companies to offer health and well-being resources that encompass physical, emotional, financial, and social health.

A Connected Culture

Ally Financial is redefining its benefits program to meet the needs of the modern family.

By Kathie Patterson

An organization’s culture and purpose are key driving factors in attracting and retaining talent, and this is particularly the case with top millennial and Generation Z workers. While all employees may want the same things regardless of age, younger generations are more vocal about what they need from their employers and have called on companies to be more thoughtful and willing to evolve with today’s changing society. Ally Financial strives to be open with its employees, listening to feedback in order to be better and do better for its workforce.

Ally Financial

Turning Insights Into Action

Surveying candidates during the hiring process can make marked improvements to the candidate experience.

By Bruce Baumgarten

The hiring process for both employers and candidates is often nerve-racking. Both parties yearn for that perfect fit to maximize their own growth and success, yet many still have trouble finding it. With unemployment rates at an all-time low, it’s not just the candidates competing for the same jobs -employers must compete against other companies to attract top candidates as well.

Money, Motivation, Mobile Tech, OH MY!

New research uncovers some surprising preferences of Generation Z workers.

By Chas Fields

Generation Z workers may not be so different from the rest of us after all. A 2019 study from The Workforce Institute at Kronos, How to Be an Employer of Choice for Gen Z, uncovered the familiar -and at times contradictory -motivations and anxieties of Gen Z, the youngest entrants to the workforce. Regardless of education, location, or vocation, it’s clear that Gen Z workers are seeking the same things as the generations that came before: stability and recognition. However, there is one big caveat: Their hopefulness for success in the workforce is met with equally prominent anxiety.

Worker-Centric HR

New research finds four key priorities HR needs to focus on to keep talent top of mind.

By Mike DiClaudio

Today’s HR leaders continue to face disruption on multiple fronts. Constant technology innovation is changing the face of the workplace and the workforce. Unprecedented competition for recruiting and retaining talent is changing the balance of power between employer and employee. HR has to respond if it wants to remain a relevant and influential part of the organization.

Confidence Abounds

2019 finished strong in terms of worker confidence.

By Larry Basinait

At the end of 2019, the Worker Confidence Index (WCI) increased by a robust 7.1 points compared to one year ago. This suggests that workers remain confident with their employment status compared to historical standards, despite a small decline of 2.5 points from the third quarter. For the year, three of the four indices -likelihood of a promotion, likelihood of a raise of at least 3 percent, and trust in company leadership -increased by at least 6 points. The only index to decline was the job security index, down slightly by 2.8 points.

New School Approaches

The demands of work are putting pressure on HR teams to rethink training programs.

By Doug Stephen

“Choose a job you love, and you will never have to work a day in your life.” This famous and often quoted statement from Confucius had the right sentiment, but some would argue that he forgot the finer points on just how to obtain and retain that dream job.

The Force of Feedback

The key to employee engagement does not lie in the exit interview -but in continuous feedback throughout the employee lifecycle.

By Shalini Duggal

At a basic level, employees quit when they lose faith in the possibility of having their needs met by their employer. Sounds simple. But what’s complicated is that each individual has unique needs -and they can easily change. It’s up to the employer to assess whether fulfilling those needs is possible before the employee leaves the company.