APAC May June 2019

Increasing Equality

Progress may be slow, but organisations are finding success with programmes that promote gender inclusion.

By Michael Switow

When Aliza Knox, a tech industry veteran with a track record of growing global brands in Asia-Pacific, applied for a job with the content delivery network Cloudflare, she did her homework. She went to the company’s website and came across a day-long forum it had sponsored. What struck her was that almost every discussion had at least one woman on the panel. There was even a session with two female professionals and no men -a rarity in an industry that is 80 per cent male.

Gender Equality

Critical Considerations

Four factors impacting talent and hiring in the world’s fastest-growing economy.

By Michael Switow

Confused about the state of the India’s economy? The planet’s largest democracy is the fastest-growing major economy, with 2019-2020 fiscal year GDP growth expected to clock in between 6.8 and 7.3 per cent. But growth is starting to slow with government deficits rising and unemployment reportedly running at 6.1 per cent, a 45-year high (although Delhi has disavowed the statistic).

India Economy

Entrepreneurial Spirit

Fostering innovation and growth comes down to one thing: culture.

By Michael Switow

Guest lecturers in a Singapore classroom -it doesn’t matter if it’s a secondary school or tertiary institution, a large assembly or a small group -will find that hands are often slow to rise when it’s time to ask questions. The same is true in Hong Kong and other parts of Asia.

Entrepreneurial Talent

Editor’s Note: Making Pay Equity Stack Up

By Debbie Bolla

Pay transparency has been making headlines in recent months -and is a good reason our Editor-at-Large Michael Switow reports on the progress of gender inclusion in organisations across the APAC region in Increasing Equality.