January February 2022

Targeted Training

Data can help design L&D programs as well as measure their success. By Debbie Bolla Many organizations are looking to data to help drive their training and development programs. In…

Recognizing the Future

To build a leadership pipeline, companies are rolling out recognition programs that praise employees and executives alike. By Zee Johnson Recognition is one of the most elemental, yet highly effective…

Investing in HR

HR leaders have a new opportunity to develop their team members. By Jason Frenchman HR leaders understand better than anyone that career and professional development opportunities are key to retention.…

Talk to Me

Strategies to improve the effectiveness of having difficult conversations in a remote working world. By Sharon Kittredje The pandemic catalyzed employees’ desires to find work-life balance, better technology, empathetic cultures,…

Staying Connected

In the wake of The Great Resignation, collaboration and engagement tools help retain talent and boost employee happiness. By Kristina Johnson The COVID-19 pandemic has brought along numerous changes to…

Equitable Hybrid Work Models

Three keys to ensuring inclusion and belonging for both remote and in-office employees. By Amy E. Hull Well, 2022 has surely arrived with another grand entrance and another year of…

2022’s Top Compliance and Regulatory Issues

In a rapidly changing work environment, understanding these five regulatory issues will help HR maintain compliance. By Pamela Lacy Following a year that introduced new challenges for HR professionals, including…

HRO Today Research Roundup

Our recent research studies uncover how the pandemic and other current events are shaping workforce trends. By Larry Basinait Click to view the entire pdf  

CEO’s Letter: People Needing People

Welcome to 2022! Perhaps history will remember the past two years with the single adjectival description of “lonely.” Visiting family on FaceTime is not the same as being there live.…