October 2018

Culture by Design

CHRO Kevin Silva has built a human capital blueprint that provides a sense of inclusion, purpose, and opportunities to grow. The result? A 95 percent retention rate of accelerated talent.

By Debbie Bolla

Research from LinkedIn finds that today’s workers feel most engaged when they are challenged and personally connected to their work. Voya Financial is one organization that is providing that type of environment. CHRO Kevin Silva has helped build a culture that is based on the philosophy that the sum of all the parts is stronger than the individual parts. In fact, the phrase “we are the we” is one of the organization’s corporate values.

HRO Today October

HRO Today 2019 Resource Guide

A roundup of the top providers and product vendors across 19 sectors of HR services.

By The Editors

The HR industry is experiencing a transformation. Faced with new technologies and shifting employee expectations, organizations are looking beyond the functional role of HR and developing strategies to increase its impact on business performance and growth.

Resource Guide

Survey Says…

Culling data from employee engagement surveys can drive strategic business decisions.

By Marta Chmielowicz

Employee engagement is a key competitive differentiator in today’s business climate. According to DecisionWise’s 2018 State of Employee Engagement Report, engagement is a top priority for 51 percent of executive teams, and 56 percent of organizations have a formal program in place to measure and enhance it. For most, this program consists of employee feedback systems (60 percent), company events (52 percent), recognition programs (45 percent), and more.

Employee Engagement Data

CEO’s Letter: HR and Corporate Responsibility -Perfect Together

By Elliot H. Clark

In this month’s cover story, we profile one of our CHRO of the Year Award winners Kevin Silva of Voya Financial. Kevin Silva is an extraordinary example of a CHRO who owns responsibilities beyond the HR suite and who drives the Voya culture in a unique way. By culture I mean not only HR programming, but also the company’s entire corporate responsibility (CR) program. At HRO Today, we love that idea.

HRO Today

The Best of Both Worlds

The latest 2018 Talent Trends report shows that HR is seeking a blend of high-tech and high-touch when it comes to AI deployment.

By Michel Stokvis

While they won’t sport bionic arms and legs, recruiters will be empowered like never before by technology that makes them smarter, more efficient, and more connected. The recruiter of the near future will be able to find the right talent with the push of a button and will possess the people skills to engage and convert top candidates into employees. And that’s not science fiction.

Talent Trends

Remaining Resilient

Worker confidence is boosted by increased job security in the current tight labor market.

By Larry Basinait

The Worker Confidence Index (WCI) for the second quarter of 2018 declined by 2.8 points, reversing a prior trend of consecutive quarterly increases. The WCI now stands at 104.3 (see Figure 1). Of the four components of the WCI, only job security increased, up by four points to 104.0. Likelihood of promotion decreased the most, down by 9.9 points. Likelihood of a raise and trust in company leadership indices also declined for the quarter. However, all four indices remain higher than they were one year ago.

Employee Confidence

Finding the Right Fit

How a cultural audit can elevate the onboarding process.

By Lilith Christiansen

Only 44 percent of employees believe their employer does a good job bringing new talent into the organization. Strategic onboarding seeks to solve that issue by moving beyond automating paperwork. Instead, it delivers a personalized journey that transforms new hires into fully functioning, integrated members of the team. Today’s onboarding approaches should provide clear expectations in terms of behavior and interaction with management, customers, and other employees.


C-TEN Insights: The Power of Partnerships

Four strategies that build synergies with HR and help achieve upward mobility.

By Maria Bunting Smedley

In my 20-plus year career as an HR executive, I’ve witnessed first-hand that as professionals assemble their career development resources to help weather the ups and downs of climbing the corporate ladder, the value of an HR partnership is often overlooked. But it shouldn’t be: HR is responsible for creating policies and crafting the framework that drives compensation, promotions, succession planning, career development, and talent management decisions. However, the “power” of HR is derived from three major components: access, information, and influence.

Maria Bunting Smedley

Editor’s Note: Hungry for Culture

By Debbie Bolla

Kevin Silva has a pretty solid understanding of what today’s employees are looking for: a sense of inclusion and purpose, a diverse work environment, expanded benefits offerings that include financial wellness, and opportunities to grow. With this in mind, the CHRO of Voya Financial led a cultural transformation at the organization, designing a “One Voya” culture that has earned the company recognition as a certified Great Place to Work®. And now more than ever, leading candidates are looking to contribute to an employer of choice.

HRO Today

HRO Today STA Update: Thought Leaders Unite

By D. Zachary Misko

Thought leaders are the informed opinion leaders and the go-to people in their field of expertise. They are trusted sources who move and inspire people with innovative ideas, turn ideas into reality, and show how to replicate their success. We certainly have a great group of thought leaders and innovators involved in our association and our HRO Today Forum events, as demonstrated by the outstanding group of senior HR executives, thought leaders, and industry experts who attend and speak at our events, in our magazine and our association.

HR Association