
Editor’s Note: Buckling Down

In researching for this issue of HRO Today EMEA, Natalie Cramp, CEO of data science consultancy Profusion, said something that provided a clear message for HR professionals seeking to invest in technology and also struck a chord for me in reference to the wider HR function.

“The mistake so many people make is to focus on the technology. The most important thing you can do is start with the business,” she said. “What is your business strategy? What is the HR strategy that supports delivering that business strategy? What are the blockers to delivering that strategy efficiently? What pieces of information do you need that could enable you to hit your KPIs?”

Cramp is right. Too often, we get dazzled by the shiny new tech or lost in the amazing functionality of a solution without actually considering the true value it brings. However, this is something that HR should consider in general. As the pandemic continues to cast a shadow and talent sourcing becomes an even greater challenge than ever before, it is all too easy to become focused on the wrong things. Things like offering well-being resources that go unused or becoming obsessed with attracting similar candidates to those we had before by entering into a remuneration battle.

If the New Year offers anything, it should be the chance to take a clear-headed look at what is actually going on with the business and the people who make it what it is. Only then can the policies, approaches, and resources the business really needs be identified. I hope this issue will help you take stock of your own businesses and send you well on the way to a highly successful 2022.

Tags: EMEA January/February 2022

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