
Editor’s Note: Tricks or Treats

The talent market has been a tricky one for a while now and only the strongest—and smartest—will survive. So the timing is perfect for our annual Talent Report, brimming with innovative and actionable advice from HR leaders for HR leaders.

Of course we tackle recruiting. In Recalibrating Recruitment, Chief People Operations Officer for iSeatz Jasmyn Farris says, “Hiring and retaining the right workers will always be a challenge regardless of what’s happening in the world. The current economy and job market adds another layer of complexity that HR professionals and managers must contend with.”

With this in mind, she suggests leveraging company culture, addressing and accommodating employee preferences, and offering an all-encompassing benefits package as some non-traditional ways to recruit and retain sought-after candidates.

We also explore how to attract back those employees who left their jobs and those that plain left the workforce. In Opening the Door to Boomerang Employees, Chief People Scientist Greg Barnett, Ph.D., shares the three stages of welcoming back former employees. According to recent research, there are plenty of people looking to boomerang back. In fact, Paychex finds that 80% of employees who changed jobs during The Great Resignation regret it. It’s an opportune time to look at this strategy. 

In More Happy Returns, CHRO Stacy Critzer explains how her organization Unanet created a “returnship” program, targeted at talent who has left the workforce recently and is interested in returning. The company’s program, “Encore,” provides training to participants who want to go back into a prior field or even start something new. After completing the program, “graduates” shift into a full-time role with the company or seek employment elsewhere. The results? Fast learners who fit right into the company’s culture and work style, helping to fulfill DEI goals while raising brand awareness to boot.

And there’s even more! Be sure to check out the entire Talent Report plus those companies that made our coveted 2023 Baker’s Dozen Customer Satisfaction Ratings for RPO.

Until next time,


SVP/Editorial Director

Tags: Editor's Note, September 2023

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